About The Coffee
At Boise Coffee Company, we believe in FRESH coffee. We're so dedicated to freshness that we HAND DELIVER your coffee as soon as we can after we get it from the roaster. This dedication to freshness results in the freshest, most flavorful, coffee that you'll ever experience.
It also means that you won't find Boise Coffee in any stores. We refuse to allow your coffee to sit on shelves where it loses all of it's flavorful goodness. Instead, we opt to to deliver it to you personally (much like a neighbor would drop something off).
But coffee is only half of our business. The other half is all about being neighborly; about being the friendly neighbor that you can say "hi"' to. The neighbor who gives back to the community. The neighbor who'll lend a hand where they can.
In the end, good coffee and good neighbors make for a happy community (and we're all about creating happiness).